Past Life Regression Therapy: Is It Right For You?.. Definitely Yes..

Past life regression therapy helps us connect to our past. Could recovering memories from a previous life help you in your current one? A conversation with a trained therapist.

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Past lives have helped some people to unlock trauma, explain anxiety, and even given context to a disease they are living with today. 

past life regression therapy is  a type of journey taken while in a relaxed meditative state where a person can recall—by seeing, hearing, or feeling—past lives they’ve lived. If you can wrap your head around the notion that consciousness doesn’t die when the heart stops beating, you may want to learn more. Here’s how it works.

You can consult experts at ASTROINDIAGURU for the best applicable Past Life Regression Therapy for you.

What does a past life regression session entail?

First, it’s helpful to know what needs addressing so we ask clients to make a list. It might be a fear, a hurt, or a painful relationship they don’t understand.  Or, maybe they just want insight and are looking to explore their life’s purpose.

We have found some people have energies attached to them that aren’t their own and are creating problems, so I clear them. For example, a loved one from a past life that won’t let them go. It can be a profound experience.

Who benefits most from this type of therapy?

People with chronic health issues that have no known origin, those with inexplicable phobias, as well as persistent pregnancy issues 

Past life regression therapy is also beneficial for anyone having a run of bad luck, who is trying to figure out what to do with their life,  as well as a person interested in knowing if they have the ability to work as a healer or intuitive.

It’s not always about uncovering past traumas—sometimes, you’re shown happiness in a previous life which can be inspiring and help you remember how to live a good life today. Seeing how you shined in a past life, can remind you of your worth and power.

Our job is to be a conduit —Astroindiaguru acts like a bridge and help connect people to their own power. 

Some more light on PLR

The most powerful past life work is often rooted in a disease—sometimes a person will discover they suffered from an illness in a past life that sometimes affects your well-being today and may be connected with current phobias and anxiety

One of our client fear MRIs and learned through past life regression therapy that this is likely the result of abuse in my past.  She remembered being thrown into a closet as a child and developed—or was left with—residual claustrophobia. We’ve had clients who have breast cancer, and the sickness is related to sadness or grief from a past life.

Sometimes this type of therapy shines a light on why you have particular relationships with people in your life. One of my clients has a father who’s never helped her financially. She discovered that in a past life, she was her father’s friend and that friend had money, but didn’t help him. So now, in this lifetime, she is experiencing what she did to him.

It can be very powerful, and healing, to understand interpersonal dynamics through the lens of the past. It gives perspective.

Past Life Regression can help you to:

  • Reconnect with past life experiences.
  • Help you understand why you feel a deep connection with certain places.
  • Explore your past life and current Soul mate experiences.
  • Identify physical ailments you have, which may be remnants of past life experiences.
  • Explore unresolved emotions which have carried through into this lifetime, creating fears or beliefs which you have been unable to explain.
  • Acknowledge and embrace the key lessons learned through those lives.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we have been fully trained in Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy and have worked with hundreds of clients. As well as one-to-one sessions, We also hold group past life regression sessions.


Yes, you will remember everything as we guide you through the journey. Past Life Regression is not like stage hypnosis – you won’t be doing anything you don’t remember. You will be aware throughout and in a deeply relaxed state. You’ll be answering questions as we guide you through the journey. All you’ll need to do is relax. Just allow whatever comes into your mind to do so, and we will guide you from there.

You will need to ensure that you can be completely undisturbed for the duration of the session (2 hours minimum) and also wear comfortable clothes so you can relax fully.

We generally take clients back into two to three past lives during a session. Whether we visit this many lives or spend more time focusing on one life will be decided by you. Many discover lives that they have shared with people that they have a close bond with in their present life – their soul mate family in a previous life and in a different incarnations. Others are drawn to certain places or countries that they immediately feel comfortable and familiar with. Each life explored is a journey and an adventure. Most clients have ‘waaaaw!’ moments for many days afterwards as pieces of their picture begin falling into place.

Yes. We either write down all your answers to questions exactly as you say them. We then photograph those pages and email them to you. You will therefore have a full record of everything you recalled during your session.


Not everyone is guaranteed to, though it’s fairly rare that someone doesn’t in our experience. Sometimes when an individual has a firm belief that past lives don’t exist, or try to critique everything that they are seeing from their subconscious, then it can create a block which doesn’t allow their mind to surrender to the experience. I find that 95% of my clients have up to three past life experiences during each regression. All you need is a healthy curiosity about the subject and a willingness to give yourself to it fully.

No. Your subconscious mind will make that decision for you. You will only remember various past life memories when you are ready to receive that information. I believe we have all had many past lives, but it’s your subconscious mind that will choose which ones to visit during your regression.


No, definitely not. Only you have access to your subconscious. Our job is to help you relax and open your subconscious so that you can remember, then guide you through the process. I will not put thoughts into your mind or ask leading questions. I will only ask you to expand on what you are already seeing.

Yes, but will only do so with your consent. I take clients to the time of, and the time immediately after, their passing. They are not harmed or traumatized by this. Instead it opens up a new understanding of self and certain behaviors brought into this lifetime. I also take clients to the time between lives, again only with their consent.

Yes, you will be safe throughout the process.

The regression itself generally lasts around 1 hour and 45 minutes and this is followed with discussion about your experience. I like to talk with you before and after the session, so I would ask for at least 2 hours to be kept aside. In essence, the length of the session will be determined by what unfolds. Every session is unique.

We offer Past Life Regression either face to face in Inverness, or online over Zoom. Zoom allows us to meet face to face online for as long as we need to. 

How long does a session last? What is the cost?

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Many times sessions take 1 hr. to 1.30 hours typically. Some clients’ needs 3 sessions to open up while others may open up at first also. It all depends on the client’s response to the therapy. In AstroIndiaguru we suggest going for 6 session therapy. 

Fees per session are between INR 1000 to 2000.